Preprints 2020

  1. Families of Halo-like invariant tori around L2 in the Earth-Moon Bicircular Problem
    José J. Rosales, Àngel Jorba, Marc Jorba-Cuscó
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (8.8 MB). (Feb 2020)

  2. Leveraging L3 to Transfer to L4 in the Sun-perturbed Earth-Moon System
    (Revised version of: Leverage L3 to Triangular Libration Points Transfer in Sun-perturbed Earth-Moon System)
    Yuying Liang, Begoña Nicolás, Àngel Jorba
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (7 MB). (Feb 2020)

  3. Transport and invariant manifolds near L3 in the Earth-Moon Bicircular model
    Àngel Jorba, Begoña Nicolás
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (6 MB). (Jan 2020)

  4. Dynamics of the QR-flow for upper Hessenberg real matrices
    J.C. Tatjer, A. Vieiro
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (3 MB). (Mar 2020)

  5. Flow map parameterization methods for invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems
    A. Haro, J.M. Mondelo
    Abstract (ASCII file), PDF version (9.6 MB). (Dec 2020)

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Last updated: Fri Apr 2 21:41:26 2021