Steps to see the movie of the evolution of the non-escaping points in the Michelson system \[ x'=y, y'=z, z'=\lambda -y + x^2,\] where $\lambda <0$. We show the evolution with respect to $|\lambda|$ by displaying the points in the Poincar\'e section $z=0, z'>0$. The Poincar\'e map is well defined except in a tiny domain around the $z$ axis. Scaling $y$ by the factor $2 |\lambda|^{1/6}$ the domain of interest is approximately the half unit disk. It approaches the half disk when $|\lambda| \to 0$. The marked points are the ones that do not escape after a long transient. The step used both in $x$ and $2 |\lambda|^{1/6} y$ to scan the domain of interest is 1/4000. Initial points are taken on the domain $(y,x)\in [-1,0] \times [-1.05,1.05]$. Note that the Poincar\'e map preserves a measure whose density in $z=0$ is proportional to $z'$ and, hence, it is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure on the $(y,x)$ plane. 1) Download the file moviehsn.tar.gz from The size is near 24 Mb. 2) Unpack the file using tar xvfz moviehsn.tar.gz which creates a directory moviehsn, with a size near 123 Mb. The directory contains 595 data files, a file with gnuplot commands named "movie.gnu" and a copy of this "readme.txt" file. 3) Move to the directory moviehsn cd moviehsn Open a window on that directory, start gnuplot and type load 'movie.gnu' and the movie starts. On top of the window open by gnuplot appears the current value of $|\lambda|$, with step 0.0001. 4) The current default values are: Size of the window open by gnuplot: 900 x 640 pixels Location of the left upper corner of the window coincident with the left upper corner of the screen Delay after the plots: 0.0 seconds These values can be changed by editing the movie.gnu file. For instance, to change the size and the delay to 800 x 569 pixels and 0.5 seconds, just uncomment the second line and comment the third one. That is, change #set term x11 size 800,569 position 0,0;d=0.5 set term x11 size 900,640 position 0,0;d=0.0 to set term x11 size 800,569 position 0,0;d=0.5 #set term x11 size 900,640 position 0,0;d=0.0 To repeat the movie with the same size and delay 0.3 second, change set term x11 size 900,640 position 0,0;d=0.0 to set term x11 size 900,640 position 0,0;d=0.3 5) At the end of the movie ($|\lambda|=0.0589$) there is a pause and the window where movie.gnu has been started prompts to press intro. Then it shows a magnified plot for $|\lambda|=0.01948$, shortly before the last invariant curves surrounding the period 5 islands break down. Press intro again to see the plot for $|\lambda|=0.01949$, when these curves have disappeared and the points in a chaotic zone related to the tangle of the period 5 hyperbolic points are gone. Press intro again to see the superposition of last two plots, the first one in red and the second one in blue. 6) Pressing intro once and again similar plots appear for $|\lambda|=0.02606, 0.02607, 0.03692$ and $0.03693$ just before and after destruction of invariant curves around period 4 and period 3 islands. 7) This has been tested using different linux versions and different gnuplot versions, starting on Version 4.2 patchlevel 6 The time for the movie part (that is from $|\lambda|=0.0001$ to $|\lambda|=0.0589$ with step $0.0001$) depends on the computer, number of processors, graphical board, etc. In different tests we have found values ranging from 45 to 25 seconds. To these values one has to add 589*d when a delay of d seconds is used. It will be tested on windows. Enjoy the presentation! Carles Sim\'o