TITLE: Using Automatic Differentiation to compute periodic orbits of Delay Differential Equations AUTHORS: Joan Gimeno, Angel Jorba Departament de Matematiques i Informatica Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain E-mails: joan@maia.ub.es, angel@maia.ub.es ABSTRACT: In this paper we focus on the computation of periodic solutions of Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) with constant delays. The method is based on defining a Poincar\'e section in a suitable functional space and looking for a fixed point of the flow in this section. This is done by applying a Newton method on a suitable discretization of the section. To avoid computing and storing large matrices we use a GMRES method to solve the linear system because in this case GMRES converges very fast due to the compactness of the flow of the DDE. The derivatives of the Poincar\'e map are obtained in a simple way, by applying Automatic Differentiation to the numerical integration. The stability of the periodic orbit is also obtained in a very efficient way by means of Arnoldi methods. The examples considered include temporal and spatial Poincar\'e sections.