TITLE: Solar Sailing at the L4/L5 Libration Points 2017 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference Columbia River Gorge, Stevenson, WA, United States, 20-24 August 2017. AUTHORS: Ariadna Farres^(1), Narcis Miguel^(2) (1) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, (2) Dpt. Matematiques i Informatica, Universitat de Barcelona E-mails: ariadna.farres@maia.ub.es, narcis@maia.ub.es ABSTRACT: In this paper we focus on the dynamics of a solar sail in the vicinity of the La- grangian points L4/L5. These points are linearly stable and so are the families of quasi-periodic orbits around them. Moreover, there is a region of effective sta- bility around them, where the trajectory of a satellite will remain there for more than 1000 years. We will describe these regions and see how they are affected by the solar radiation pressure. A good understanding of these regions and of how to reach them would enable a novel space weather mission