Regularity and uniqueness of one dimensional invariant manifolds X. Cabr\'e and E. Fontich Abstract. In this work we give sufficient conditions for the existence of differentiable or analytical one dimensional manifolds associated to an eigenvalue $\lambda $ and to a corresponding eigenvector $v$ of it. We consider first the case of local diffeomorphisms, the case of differential equations being obtained easily from it. We look for the invariant manifolds through a parametrization which gives the linearization of the map along them, that is, we look for $\varphi $ defined on an interval of $\rr$ such that $$ f(\varphi (t)) = \varphi (\lambda t). $$ We restrict ourselves to eigenvalues $\lambda $ of modulus different from one, the others being arbitrary, but different from zero. First we consider the differentiable case when the eigenvalue is non resonant. In this case we get that if the map is $C^m$ with $m$ bigger or equal than some value $k$ , related to the structure of the eigenvalues of $Df(0)$, there is an invariant manifold of class $C^m$. If $m$ is strictly bigger that $k$ we get uniqueness. Then, for the sake of completeness, the analytic non resonant case is considered. If the eigenvalue is resonant we construct the bifurcation equation from which we obtain the conditions for the existence of solutions of class $C^m$. If we allow $m$ to be strictly bigger than $k$, the bifurcation equation will give the number of solutions of class $C^{m}$ (which may be zero). The analytic case is also considered.